
cupcakes. pass.

Who can resist. Here are a couple of delicious cupcake Thank You's
we've had made. A. Our yummy franklinHEAVY brand chocolate
and vanilla ones. and B. Some post festival Hot Docs brand ones.
We love our clients!


hot docs 2010

Hats off to the 2010 Hot Docs Documentary Film Festival. After
finishing all the festival graphics and collateral we had the good fortune
to participate. Attended some conference sessions, social events and
got to see plenty of docs. A few of our favourites this year: The World
According to Ion B., Marwencol, Secrets of the Tribe, all compelling
stories. We are working on getting some samples of all our work for
viewing as soon as possible.


who wants pie?

Love this, information graphics as art from hvass&hannibal.


speak with conviction

Great spoken word by Taylor Mali. The typographical treatment was done by a Ronnie Bruce for type class.